Such a simple equation, yet what is the end result? Yes, if rumors come to pass, Barry Bonds, with his steroid-enlarged head, will play in Tampa for the Rays. Let that soak in a little.
Now back to the equation. Sure to Rays will get a lot of negative publicity for the move. But for the Rays, any publicity would be good.
Secondly, any fans the Rays have, will resent the team for signing the hulk. But, they will show up. Yes, they may boo, but you have to have people in attendance to boo. The Giants, in the past 7 years have had season attendance above the league average. While the Rays, have one season (1998, inaugural season) above league average. The low points included under 14,000 "fans" per game in 2002-2003. Most of those in attendance where wearing other teams jerseys.
So yes, I think the Rays should go after Barroid, despite my heart. Because Barry + Rays=Exposure. So for the few Tampa fans can get some national attention.
Also, if you wanted to know what would have happened if the Rays got Bonds, a bit earlier, this is a good read.
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